Your Options for Treating Hemorrhoids Without Surgery

Did you know we’re born with hemorrhoids? They’re part of the vascular structure of the anal canal. We only notice them when the veins swell and cause anal itchiness, pain, and discomfort. About 50% of adults 50 and over have symptomatic hemorrhoids.
Though surgery is an option in severe cases, most hemorrhoids improve without it.
At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, our board-certified family physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, specializes in managing hemorrhoids.
Read on to learn more about your options for treating hemorrhoids without surgery.
At-home hemorrhoid treatments
Treatment for hemorrhoids starts at home, focusing on symptom relief and addressing issues that cause swelling, like constipation, straining during bowel movements, and spending too much time on the toilet.
In many cases, the hemorrhoids resolve on their own with at-home care. Options for treating hemorrhoids at home include:
- Taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers
- Applying OTC hemorrhoid creams
- Soaking your bottom in warm water several times a day (sitz bath)
- Adding more fiber and fluids to your diet to improve bowel movements
- Using stool softeners
- Limiting the amount of time sitting on the toilet
If your hemorrhoids continue to bother you after a week of at-home treatments or your hemorrhoids are bleeding, we recommend scheduling a visit with Dr. Clemens.
Medical hemorrhoid treatments
After reviewing symptoms, diet, and bathroom habits and examining your hemorrhoids, we can determine the next steps for treating your hemorrhoids. We may recommend another round of at-home care with specific instructions to relieve symptoms.
If you have recurring internal hemorrhoids that bleed or prolapse (fall through the anus), we may recommend infrared coagulation (IRC). This in-office treatment uses infrared light to shrink the enlarged vein. The procedure is quick and painless.
When it’s time for surgery
If you have protruding internal hemorrhoids you can’t push back in, very large hemorrhoids, or hemorrhoids that cause a lot of discomfort, you may need hemorrhoid surgery.
Surgical options for hemorrhoids include:
- Rubber Band ligation: Wrapping a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off blood supply
- Hemorrhoidectomy: Using a scalpel to remove the hemorrhoid
- Hemorrhoid stapling: Stapling the protruding internal hemorrhoid back inside
Sclerotherapy is a less invasive treatment option for severe hemorrhoids and involves injecting a solution into the hemorrhoid that causes scar tissue to form and block the flow of blood.
Most hemorrhoids improve without surgery but may need medical attention. If at-home hemorrhoid care isn’t working, call our office at 314-669-2758 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Clemens. We can devise a plan to relieve your symptoms and need surgery.
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